Despite careful checks, we accept no liability for the content of external sites accessed via links published on this website. The operators of those sites are solely responsible for their content. If you decide to visit external websites via the links published here, you do so at your own risk.

General terms and conditions

The most recent version of our general terms and conditions is applicable.

Online content

IDS healthcare GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “IDS”) gives no guarantee that the information provided is current, accurate, complete or error-free.

Liability claims against IDS based on material or non-material damages arising as a result of the use or non-use of the information provided or the use of incorrect and incomplete information are excluded in all cases unless IDS is demonstrated to have acted with intent or gross negligence.

All offers are non-binding and subject to alterations.

IDS expressly reserves the right to modify, append and delete the website in part or in whole without prior notice, or to halt publication completely or for a limited period.

References and links

IDS shall only be liable for the contents of directly or indirectly linked websites (“links”) which are not the responsibility of IDS if IDS is aware of the contents of such sites and is technically able and could be reasonably expected to prevent the viewing of illegal contents.

IDS therefore expressly declares that at the time of the links being created the relevant linked sites contained no illegal content. IDS has no influence of any kind over the current or future nature or content of the linked sites. IDS therefore explicitly distances itself from all the content of websites to which links are provided where such content has been changed since the creation of the links. This disclaimer applies to all links and references integrated in this website as well as to external contributions in guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists. The provider of the website to which reference is made shall be exclusively liable for illegal, inaccurate or incomplete contents and, in particular, for damages arising as a result of the use or non-use of any such information; the party merely referring to such publications by means of links shall not be liable.

Copyright and trademark law

IDS strives to comply in all publications with copyrights on any graphics, sounds, video sequences and texts, to use graphics, sounds, video sequences and texts created by IDS itself or to use graphics, sounds, video sequences and texts not subject to licensing.

All trademarks and brand marks used on this site that may be protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of the relevant trademark law and the property rights of the registered owners.

The mere fact that such trademarks are cited shall not be deemed to indicate that they are not protected by third party rights.

Where material on this website has been created by IDS itself, the copyright for all such material shall remain solely with IDS as the author.
The duplication or use of such graphics, sounds, video sequences, texts or parts of texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express consent of IDS.

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